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General Rules


  • Be nice and have fun! All of your fellow CCC con-goers are there to have a good time, so be friendly, make new friends, and have a good time at CCC!

  • Offensive behavior should be kept out of CCC and reserved for the privacy of your own home. CCC staff and security have the right to ask you to leave the convention without refunding the cost of your badge if you are behaving in an inappropriate fashion.

  • Naked is not a costume. Please wear appropriate (or at least enough) clothing while attending CCC. 

  • Please abide by our weapons policy. In the harsh reality of our times, our security staff and local law enforcement will treat anything that looks like a real gun as a real gun.

  • While we don’t want anyone to lose anything, CCC is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged property or for injuries sustained during the course of CCC.

  • Please do not abuse the convention facilities. This includes putting signs on walls, littering, and smoking in non-designated smoking areas, among other things.

  • Special events and guests are subject to change or cancellation without notice–sometimes last-minute. We will notify you of any changes via the CCC website, the official mobile app, and our social media channels.

  • By purchasing a badge and being admitted to CCC, the holder consents to being recorded (by audio, visual and/or other means) for exhibition and exploitation by any means in all media now known or hereafter devised worldwide in perpetuity.

  • All autograph and badge sales are final. No refunds or exchanges will be given.

Props & Weapons

We welcome and encourage all guests to cosplay thei. However, for the safety to all guests and vendors, all attendees must adhere to the following guidelines:


  • Any cosplay components and prop weapons may be subject to inspection before or during the convention. A staff member may ask that you return your item to your vehicle if deemed inappropriate or dangerous.  Staff may peace bond prop weapons in the alternative.

  • All guests must keep cosplay PG-13 or less and family-friendly. 

  • All props must be in possession of the owner at all times. The staff and con will not be responsible for any items lost or broken.

  • All props must be able to fit through doors, elevators, and escalators. 

  • No props or cosplay wear shall cause any damage to vendor tables, to other guests, or to any property of the venue. 


The Chattanooga Convention Center strictly prohibits any form of harassment by a guest, vendor, staff, or volunteer. If any person feels they have been a victim of harassment by another person at the con, please report it immediately. All reports will be handled on a case by case basis. Any guest who engages in harassing behavior will be removed from the event and/or subject to law enforcement action. 

Guests w/Disabilities

We understand that not every guest will experience the con the same way. Some of our guests will be attending with either physical or developmental differences. All are welcome. Our staff will accommodate your needs within reason. The venue has many places to take a sensory break, and our main areas are ADA compliant. If you have any other needs, please do not hesitate to ask one of our staff members for assistance.


Our team welcomes all fans and fandoms. We do not discriminate against race, religion, sexual orientation or identity, age, disability, national origin, or education. Chattanooga Comic Con recognizes that a successful con values all life, and we strive to be equitable when planning and executing our event.


Children are welcome at our event, and we want to ensure the convention is a safe and inviting place for them. Guests wearing apparel with profanity, depictions of nudity or other adult material will be prohibited from entering. Cosplay artists will be required to maintain a PG/PG-13 rated attire. Vendors are asked to keep all materials PG-13 ratings for sale. Adult materials will not be allowed.


By entering the event, you acknowledge that your photo may be taken by Chattanooga Comic Con.  Chattanooga Comic Con will instruct staff photographers to request consent first when possible, but you may still appear in candid shots or backgrounds of other photos without your prior knowledge or separate permission.  Your picture may appear on future marketing materials owned by Chattanooga Comic Con. Other media may be present photographing or filming the event. Guests and vendors are welcome to take photographs throughout, but please be courteous and respectful.  Only designated professional photographers are allowed to take photographs at the professional op photo booth. 


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Chattanooga Convention Center

1 Carter Plaza

Chattanooga, TN 37402




Chattanooga Comic Con 2022

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